• All
  • House/Chalet
    • Terraced house
    • House
  • Garage
    • Garage
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business Premise
  • Apartment
    • Flat
  • Land
    • Urban Plot of land

Our most important project is you

  • All
  • House/Chalet
    • Terraced house
    • House
  • Garage
    • Garage
  • Premises or Warehouse
    • Business Premise
  • Apartment
    • Flat
  • Land
    • Urban Plot of land


Quality Home Servicios Inmobiliarios Coruña y Badajoz


Soluciones Inmobiliarias

Hi, I'm Teresa, I'm a real estate agent. Are you wondering what I can do for you?

I can advise you if you need to sell or rent your property, helping you with the appraisal of your home, studying the price of the area, telling you about the options you have, helping you throughout the process of that sale, which is a process that is not well known and As you might suppose, it costs us all when we do things that we don't usually do.

If, on the other hand, you are a buyer or you are interested in renting, I help you find the property that best suits your needs and preferences. It will be a search and capture process until we find the most suitable for you together.

What do you get if you hire me?

  • Of course, the process will be much lighter for you, since I will manage all the tax procedures, contracts ...
  • I will avoid mistakes that you can make in negotiations or because you have not understood the fine print of sales contracts.
  • We will find the best solution for your financing.
Teresa Lavandeira

Teresa Lavandeira - A Coruña
I will help you throughout the process, I will become your ally.



  • From the commercialization of the real estate.
  • Until the integral management of the transaction.
At the time we are in, you may think that it is not a good time to start buying or selling your house, apartment, chalet ... but the reality is that the time does not matter but rather that the operation is the most suitable for you, and that's what we totally focus on.

We will take care of any type of management, buying, renting or selling a home, we will answer all the doubts that may arise in the process, which always exist and are not easy to solve on many occasions if you are not used to this type of managements.

For this reason, we have defined our services as "comprehensive real estate solutions".


Well, they are fully configured services to provide you with the necessary tools and solutions for any management you need to do in the real estate field and in complementary areas such as insurance and financial advice.

In this way we will advise you on actions of sale, purchase, rental, transfer ... we will help you find a house, insure your home with the best option, we have experience to value your property and be able to put an appropriate price on the market ...


for owners

Property dissemination service

We will create marketing and Home Staging actions to publicize your home, on social networks, with ads on payment portals, we will negotiate with potential buyers.
Servicio de difusión para propietarios
Servicio de difusión para propietarios
for owners and buyers

Legal and tax advice

We offer you all the usual services of a real estate in terms of buying, selling, renting, transfers. We also manage with the banks the mortgages and loans that you may need in your real estate transaction. We support you throughout the notary process...
for owners

Valuation and appraisal of the price of the house.

It is very difficult for someone who is not dedicated to these steps to determine the price of their home, do not worry, we take care of it.
Valoración y tasación de la vivienda
Búsqueda de inmuebles para comprar
for owners

Property search service to buy.

We know how difficult it can be to find what you are looking for with so much desire and that will become your home. With what after knowing your needs we will show you those properties that are closest to your needs.
for owners with rental housing

QH + Assistance insurance.

This insurance is fully designed for landlords of properties, providing maximum peace of mind to the owner in the event of having problems with tenants, coverage for non-payments in the event of eviction, recovery of monthly payments lost due to fire, compensation for acts of vandalism ... of the benefits of this service.
Búsqueda de inquilino para alquiler
for owners

Rental service.

We will find the most suitable tenant taking into account the requirements of the landlord. We will also ensure the landlord if the tenant has economic viability.
for landlords

Rental service.

You are looking for a home to rent and you cannot find anything that convinces you, of good quality and that is close to your work. Let us do that more exhaustive search to find the rental home you want.



Specific questions for sellers

+ At what price should I sell my property?

We all know that each property has its specific real estate appraisal value, which will be different depending on the type of property, its characteristics, the area in which the property is located, etc.

To sell a property we must inform ourselves of the real market price valuation of that property, Quality Home can make you the process of valuing your property. We will follow price standards by type of property, by area, by similar characteristics of properties in the area...

We have the latest generation tools and software to perform these calculations or assessments. We will also apply our experience as qualified witnesses and that we are constantly updated with real-time market valuation tools.

+ Should I lower the price of the property less than the market price?

The price is the first parameter in which a buyer who has not yet seen the property fixes, it is very important when deciding whether or not to buy that property, so it should not be a value that is put lightly.

If the seller sets a lower price than the market, that will mean for the buyer a significant reduction in the profit of the sale, as already assumed, but also if the buyer is comparing prices with other similar properties, they will think that this property has a defect and does not will be trusted, making a final purchase decision impossible.

On the other hand, if the price is much higher than the market price, what is called the "burned-out property" effect is produced, it is a property that has gone on the market with a value much higher than it should and as it is not sold the seller begins to lower his price ... successive price drops over time will cause a lack of interest on the part of buyers.

In conclusion, the price at which you must sell your property must be as close as possible to the market price and for that we help you to set its real price.

+ How long could it take to sell my property?

This question is very difficult to answer, especially because they depend on many factors, the property, the conditions of the property, the interest aroused by the area where it is located. located ... but from Quality Home we can tell you that with the right price and our way of understanding the market, we have achieved an average sales period of 6 weeks from the publication of the prospectuses.

+ Could I sell my mortgaged home?

If you can sell your mortgaged home, on the day the public deed is made, the attorney-in-fact of the bank that granted the mortgage will receive the outstanding amount of the loan and the rest will be yours.

+ Can I sell my property if it is a social housing?

Officially protected housing can be sold. However, it must be taken into account that if you want to sell before the deadline stipulated by the waiting administration for its sale, you must request a sale authorization from the administration that awarded the homes. In addition, you must return the proportional part of the aid or subsidies that were received at the time for this officially protected housing. The sale prices per m2 are also subject to a maximum amount that will be provided by the Administration that awarded you the home.

+ How long do I have to pay the capital gain?

The term to settle the Municipal Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land (capital gain) is 30 days from the signing of the public deed.

+ What is the Arras contract?

The contract is a very common private contract between the parties for the reservation of a real estate sale such as a house, giving as proof an amount of money as a down payment. The buyer gives that signal to the seller to verify that he is very interested in the purchase.

+ What is the energy certificate?

The Energy Efficiency Certificate is an official document drawn up by a technician who qualifies the property by calculating the annual energy consumption necessary to satisfy the energy demand of the building. Including hot water production, heating, lighting, refrigeration and ventilation. During the process, an energy efficiency certificate is issued and an energy label is assigned to the building. The energy rating scale ranges from letter A (most energy efficient building) to letter G (least energy efficient building).
Specific questions for buyers

+ What documentation do I have to provide to buy a property?

If you are a buyer and you are not going to finance the purchase, you only have to provide your current personal identification and the amounts for payment. Today, in most operations, the amount is delivered directly with a bank check or bank transfer from the Bank of Spain.

In the event that you need to finance the purchase, the bank with which you are going to carry out the operation will request:
  • In the case of being employed by someone else: photocopy of DNI, photocopy of the last three payrolls, last income statement (if made) and working life.
  • En el caso de ser un empleado por cuenta propia (autónomo): fotocopia de DNI, último trimestre del IVA, última declaración de la renta, facturación y movimientos de cuentas y vida laboral.

+ What documentation should I bring to the notary to finance the mortgage?

If everything has gone well and after presenting the documentation you have been granted the loan, the only thing that remains is to collect the agreement in a public deed. The mortgage is always signed before a Notary Public.

On the day of signing, it will be enough for you to bring your ID or NIE to identify yourself, but remember that it must be in force. If it is expired, it will not work for you.

+ What is the real estate tax (IBI)?

The Real Estate Tax is a direct tax of a real nature, it is required by the municipalities and its management is shared by the State Administration. It is a tax that is constituted on the property of real estate, whether rural or urban, or for the ownership of certain real rights over said assets and taxes the value of the real estate, which generally coincides with the cadastral value of the property. The amount that will be imposed as a tax will depend on the type of tax established by the respective City Council.

+ When is the real estate tax (IBI) paid?

The real estate tax is paid every year, being mandatory for the owner of any real estate or real right, the date is usually at the beginning of the year of each fiscal year. However, the accrual, in municipalities such as Madrid, the IBI is charged between October 1 and November 30.

+ What is the difference between usable and built area?

Useful surface is the space available in the home, excluding the space for partitions, walls and other elements that prevent the use of space. Neither are useful meters those spaces in which the height to the ceiling is less than 1.50 meters. The built area is the sum of the total area of the home, including the elements that we have indicated that are not considered useful.

+ What expenses do I have to face when I buy a home?

In every transaction of sale, there are a series of expenses that the buyer will have to face, we describe them briefly: the creation of the public deed of sale, the registration in the property register, taxes and, of course, requesting a mortgage loan: also the deed, registration and taxes of it ... All expenses normally represent 10% of the value of the home to buy.


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This website strictly complies with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD). It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).


- Identity of the Responsible: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L.
- CIF:  B02931251​ - Address: C/ Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (España)  |  C/ Alemania 1 - Local 1 – 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (España)
- Mail: [email protected]
- Business Activity: Servicios Inmobiliarios


The user is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. In this way, the user agrees to use the website, its services and content without contravening current legislation, good faith and public order.

The use of the website, for illicit or harmful purposes, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website is prohibited.

Regarding the contents of this website, it is prohibited:
- Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless you have my authorization as the legitimate owner.
- Any violation of the rights of the provider or Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. as the legitimate owner.
- Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

When using the website https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/, the user agrees not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, SL or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the portal https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ or that would prevent, in any way, the normal use of the web.

However, the user must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ cannot guarantee the absence of malware or other elements that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the user or in their electronic documents and files contained therein, although I put all the necessary means and the appropriate security measures to avoid the presence of these harmful elements.


The personal data communicated by the user to Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. They can be stored in automated databases or not, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, SL, assuming all the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained in The same in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on data protection.

Communication between users and https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ uses a secure channel, and the transmitted data is encrypted thanks to https protocols, therefore, the best security conditions are guaranteed so that the confidentiality of the users is guaranteed.


Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could be caused by:
- The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the web, or of its services and contents.
- The existence of malware, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.
- The illegal, negligent, fraudulent use or contrary to this Legal Notice.
- The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
- The provider is not liable under any circumstances for damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.


In general, the relations between Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. with the users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and to the courts of A Coruña.

In the event that any user has any questions about these Legal Conditions or any comment on the https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ portal, please go to [email protected].

Responsable: Teresa Lavandeira

Finalidad: To send information about real estate that match the requirements of the client presented by filling this form.

Legitimación: To implement pre-contract measures to the clients request (budget request or information about our professional services).

Destinatarios: This data will arrive at the office and there is no expected data transfer if not for legal obligation.

Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email [email protected]

In accordance with current regulations regarding Personal Data Protection, Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. It only records those personal data that have been freely provided by the user, incorporating them into its database in order to answer the query and / or provide the service requested by the user, such as requesting a budget. Any user, in order to be able to order goods or services or request a job or estimate, can choose to register and provide us with their personal data. In the event that a user enters her personal data, these will only be processed for the purpose for which they have been provided, in accordance with the requirements of Spanish legislation on Data Protection in force at all times. At any time, the user may exercise their rights (Access, Rectification, Suppression / right to be forgotten, Limitation of treatment, Data portability, and Opposition) by sending a free written and signed request, which includes their name, surnames and copy of DNI, with the precise instructions for this purpose. In this case, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure that this request is processed immediately. If you have questions about any of these conditions or want to exercise your rights, you can contact us at our postal address. Your data will in no case be transferred to third parties without your prior consent. The term of conservation of your data in our files will be until our contractual relationship ends or you exercise your rights, except in the case of conservation by legal obligation.

Basic and Relevant Information on Protection of Personal Data concerning the Person Responsible for Treatment:


- RESPONSIBLE: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. | CIF B02931251

- CONTACT: C / Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (Spain) | C / Alemania 1 - Local 1 - 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (Spain)

- PURPOSE: Data management of users who contact us; conducting administrative procedures, contracting services, preparing budgets, advertising real estate for sale or rent.

- CONSERVATION: During the commercial relationship and while the user or subscriber does not exercise the right of Suppression or Cancellation, except legal obligation.

- LEGITIMATION: Legal basis of the Treatment:
- RECIPIENTS: The data will not be transferred in any case without the prior consent of the interested party. No assignments or transfers to third countries are foreseen. No data will be transferred to third parties (without assignment recipients), except legal obligation. Applicable warranties: - RIGHTS: You can exercise these rights by requesting it in writing by communicating with the Treatment Manager for free, providing a copy of your ID or personal identification. The Data Controller has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it deals with, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

- ORIGIN: The interested party: information provided by the interested party and that is adapted to the service requested by him.

Responsable: Teresa Lavandeira

Finalidad: To send information about your property to the real estate agency so it can evaluate if it will offer your property to its clients to try to sell or rent it.

Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

Destinatarios: The client’s data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation. The real estate’s data might be delivered to collaborating real estate agencies or published on web pages and real estate portals.

Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email [email protected]

In accordance with current regulations regarding Personal Data Protection, Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. It only records those personal data that have been freely provided by the user, incorporating them into its database in order to answer the query and / or provide the service requested by the user, such as requesting a budget. Any user, in order to be able to order goods or services or request a job or estimate, can choose to register and provide us with their personal data. In the event that a user enters her personal data, these will only be processed for the purpose for which they have been provided, in accordance with the requirements of Spanish legislation on Data Protection in force at all times. At any time, the user may exercise their rights (Access, Rectification, Suppression / right to be forgotten, Limitation of treatment, Data portability, and Opposition) by sending a free written and signed request, which includes their name, surnames and copy of DNI, with the precise instructions for this purpose. In this case, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure that this request is processed immediately. If you have questions about any of these conditions or want to exercise your rights, you can contact us at our postal address. Your data will in no case be transferred to third parties without your prior consent. The term of conservation of your data in our files will be until our contractual relationship ends or you exercise your rights, except in the case of conservation by legal obligation.

Basic and Relevant Information on Protection of Personal Data concerning the Person Responsible for Treatment:


- RESPONSIBLE: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. | CIF B02931251

- CONTACT: C / Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (Spain) | C / Alemania 1 - Local 1 - 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (Spain)

- PURPOSE: Data management of users who contact us; conducting administrative procedures, contracting services, preparing budgets, advertising real estate for sale or rent.

- CONSERVATION: During the commercial relationship and while the user or subscriber does not exercise the right of Suppression or Cancellation, except legal obligation.

- LEGITIMATION: Legal basis of the Treatment:
- RECIPIENTS: The data will not be transferred in any case without the prior consent of the interested party. No assignments or transfers to third countries are foreseen. No data will be transferred to third parties (without assignment recipients), except legal obligation. Applicable warranties: - RIGHTS: You can exercise these rights by requesting it in writing by communicating with the Treatment Manager for free, providing a copy of your ID or personal identification. The Data Controller has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it deals with, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

- ORIGIN: The interested party: information provided by the interested party and that is adapted to the service requested by him.

Responsable: Teresa Lavandeira

Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.

Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.

Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email [email protected]

In accordance with current regulations regarding Personal Data Protection, Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. It only records those personal data that have been freely provided by the user, incorporating them into its database in order to answer the query and / or provide the service requested by the user, such as requesting a budget. Any user, in order to be able to order goods or services or request a job or estimate, can choose to register and provide us with their personal data. In the event that a user enters her personal data, these will only be processed for the purpose for which they have been provided, in accordance with the requirements of Spanish legislation on Data Protection in force at all times. At any time, the user may exercise their rights (Access, Rectification, Suppression / right to be forgotten, Limitation of treatment, Data portability, and Opposition) by sending a free written and signed request, which includes their name, surnames and copy of DNI, with the precise instructions for this purpose. In this case, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure that this request is processed immediately. If you have questions about any of these conditions or want to exercise your rights, you can contact us at our postal address. Your data will in no case be transferred to third parties without your prior consent. The term of conservation of your data in our files will be until our contractual relationship ends or you exercise your rights, except in the case of conservation by legal obligation.

Basic and Relevant Information on Protection of Personal Data concerning the Person Responsible for Treatment:


- RESPONSIBLE: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. | CIF B02931251

- CONTACT: C / Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (Spain) | C / Alemania 1 - Local 1 - 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (Spain)

- PURPOSE: Data management of users who contact us; conducting administrative procedures, contracting services, preparing budgets, advertising real estate for sale or rent.

- CONSERVATION: During the commercial relationship and while the user or subscriber does not exercise the right of Suppression or Cancellation, except legal obligation.

- LEGITIMATION: Legal basis of the Treatment:
- RECIPIENTS: The data will not be transferred in any case without the prior consent of the interested party. No assignments or transfers to third countries are foreseen. No data will be transferred to third parties (without assignment recipients), except legal obligation. Applicable warranties: - RIGHTS: You can exercise these rights by requesting it in writing by communicating with the Treatment Manager for free, providing a copy of your ID or personal identification. The Data Controller has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it deals with, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

- ORIGIN: The interested party: information provided by the interested party and that is adapted to the service requested by him.

Responsable: Teresa Lavandeira

Finalidad: To handle information requests through the website, aiming to offer real estate professional services and to give information about what’s requested.

Legitimación: The legitimacy is based on the consent you gave us when clicking the button “I accept the data protection policy”.

Destinatarios: Your data won’t be transferred to anyone, if not for legal obligation.

Derechos: You may use your right to access, modify, suppress, oppose, transfer or withdraw your consent on your personal data through the email [email protected]

In accordance with current regulations regarding Personal Data Protection, Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. It only records those personal data that have been freely provided by the user, incorporating them into its database in order to answer the query and / or provide the service requested by the user, such as requesting a budget. Any user, in order to be able to order goods or services or request a job or estimate, can choose to register and provide us with their personal data. In the event that a user enters her personal data, these will only be processed for the purpose for which they have been provided, in accordance with the requirements of Spanish legislation on Data Protection in force at all times. At any time, the user may exercise their rights (Access, Rectification, Suppression / right to be forgotten, Limitation of treatment, Data portability, and Opposition) by sending a free written and signed request, which includes their name, surnames and copy of DNI, with the precise instructions for this purpose. In this case, all necessary measures will be taken to ensure that this request is processed immediately. If you have questions about any of these conditions or want to exercise your rights, you can contact us at our postal address. Your data will in no case be transferred to third parties without your prior consent. The term of conservation of your data in our files will be until our contractual relationship ends or you exercise your rights, except in the case of conservation by legal obligation.

Basic and Relevant Information on Protection of Personal Data concerning the Person Responsible for Treatment:


- RESPONSIBLE: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. | CIF B02931251

- CONTACT: C / Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (Spain) | C / Alemania 1 - Local 1 - 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (Spain)

- PURPOSE: Data management of users who contact us; conducting administrative procedures, contracting services, preparing budgets, advertising real estate for sale or rent.

- CONSERVATION: During the commercial relationship and while the user or subscriber does not exercise the right of Suppression or Cancellation, except legal obligation.

- LEGITIMATION: Legal basis of the Treatment:
- RECIPIENTS: The data will not be transferred in any case without the prior consent of the interested party. No assignments or transfers to third countries are foreseen. No data will be transferred to third parties (without assignment recipients), except legal obligation. Applicable warranties: - RIGHTS: You can exercise these rights by requesting it in writing by communicating with the Treatment Manager for free, providing a copy of your ID or personal identification. The Data Controller has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security and integrity of the personal data that it deals with, as well as to prevent its loss, alteration and / or access by unauthorized third parties.

- ORIGIN: The interested party: information provided by the interested party and that is adapted to the service requested by him.
This website strictly complies with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGDD). It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons (RGPD), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).


- Identity of the Responsible: Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L.
- CIF:  B02931251​ - Address: C/ Médico Durán 14 - Bajo Esquina - 15002 A Coruña (España)  |  C/ Alemania 1 - Local 1 – 06400 Don Benito, Badajoz (España)
- Mail: [email protected]
- Business Activity: Servicios Inmobiliarios


The user is informed, and accepts, that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. In this way, the user agrees to use the website, its services and content without contravening current legislation, good faith and public order.

The use of the website, for illicit or harmful purposes, or that, in any way, may cause damage or prevent the normal functioning of the website is prohibited.

Regarding the contents of this website, it is prohibited:
- Its reproduction, distribution or modification, in whole or in part, unless you have my authorization as the legitimate owner.
- Any violation of the rights of the provider or Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. as the legitimate owner.
- Its use for commercial or advertising purposes.

When using the website https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/, the user agrees not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, interests and rights of Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, SL or third parties or that could damage, disable or overload the portal https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ or that would prevent, in any way, the normal use of the web.

However, the user must be aware that the security measures of computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and that, therefore https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ cannot guarantee the absence of malware or other elements that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the user or in their electronic documents and files contained therein, although I put all the necessary means and the appropriate security measures to avoid the presence of these harmful elements.


The personal data communicated by the user to Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. They can be stored in automated databases or not, whose ownership corresponds exclusively to Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, SL, assuming all the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and quality of the information contained in The same in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on data protection.

Communication between users and https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ uses a secure channel, and the transmitted data is encrypted thanks to https protocols, therefore, the best security conditions are guaranteed so that the confidentiality of the users is guaranteed.


Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. does not grant any guarantee nor is it responsible, in any case, for damages of any nature that could be caused by:
- The lack of availability, maintenance and effective operation of the web, or of its services and contents.
- The existence of malware, malicious or harmful programs in the contents.
- The illegal, negligent, fraudulent use or contrary to this Legal Notice.
- The lack of legality, quality, reliability, usefulness and availability of the services provided by third parties and made available to users on the website.
- The provider is not liable under any circumstances for damages that may arise from the illegal or improper use of this website.


In general, the relations between Quality Home Soluciones Inmobiliarias, S.L. with the users of its telematic services, present on this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and to the courts of A Coruña.

In the event that any user has any questions about these Legal Conditions or any comment on the https://www.qualityhome-inmobiliaria.es/ portal, please go to [email protected].